How to Apply

An opportunity to participate in scientific discovery and ground-breaking research

The following sections provide information about applying for a postdoctoral fellowship at the Feinberg Graduate School. Applications to the program may be submitted any time during the year. The postdoctoral program is open to all qualified students regardless of religion, race, color, national origin, age, disability or gender.

Finding a Research Group at the WIS

To learn more about scientists at the Weizmann Institute of Science and their areas of research, consult the faculty and department sites, and review the following resources:

First Steps in the Application Procedure

Note 1:

If you are applying for a Senior Postdoc status AND you are already a postdoctoral fellow at the WIS then you should skip step 1 and step 2 below.

Note 2:

The Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science has a single unified applications procedure for all Weizmann fellowship types (Regular, Dean of Faculty, Koshland). Candidates should submit an initial application as per the instructions for the Dean of Faculty Fellowships and will be advised by the faculty if additional information is required.

Step 1:

Find a Head of a Research Group at WIS who is willing to host you as a postdoctoral fellow (in the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science this is only strongly encouraged).


Step 2:

Submit an online application form

Applications AND letters of recommendation for a Senior Postdoc position should be uploaded through the FGS Online Calls system.

Step 3:

Receive the approval of the relevant Board of Studies; or, in the faculty of mathematics & computer science, of a special faculty committee.

If you are a graduate of the Feinberg Graduate School and you intend to continue your training as a postdoctoral fellow in your PhD research group, which is permitted for a maximum of up to twelve months, you are required to submit the online registration form only.

Filling Out an Online Application

Online applications may be submitted all year round. There is no deadline.


FGS graduates

  • Access our online application form
  • Click on the “Create a new application account” button.
  • Enter your email for registration and click on the “Register” button.
  • Check your inbox- you'll receive a message with your registration verification key.
  • At the “Select your application type” field choose –“Postdoctoral fellow application form
  • Enter your Email address and your verification key and click on the “Login” button.
  • Fill out all the required fields in the form. For your convenience we separated this stage to a few steps. Notice that only after completing a step you will be able to continue to the next step.
  • Click on the “Submit Application” button.
  • Upon completing the session and clicking the “Submit Application” button the system will send you an email verifying your application.

External candidates

  • Access our online application form
  • Click on the “Create a new application account” button.
  • Enter your email for registration and click on the “Register” button.
  • Check your inbox- you'll receive a message with your registration verification key.
  • At the “Select your application type” field choose – “Postdoctoral fellow application form
  • Enter your Email address and your verification key and click on the “Login” button.
  • Fill out all the required fields in the form. For your convenience we separated this stage to a few steps. Notice that only after completing a step you will be able to continue to the next step.
  • Input the name(s) of your referee(s) whom you wish to submit a letter on your behalf. Notice that the first referee must be your PhD advisor
  • Upload the required documents in PDF Format only.
  • Click on the “Submit Application” button.
  • Upon completing the session and clicking the “Submit Application” button the system will send you an email verifying your application. Notice- this email also contains unique links to each of the referees you have listed. You may send each one of them the link and they will be able to access the system and submit their letter.


  • Until you click on the “Submit Application” button you may access the system as many times as you wish in order to update your details and information, view the existing files and upload additional ones. Thereafter you will not be able to your details and information, nor view the existing files and upload additional ones.
  • You will be sent a notification each time a letter of recommendation is submitted on your behalf.
  • Please notify the relevant FGS coordinator in case you encounter a problem during the online application process.
  • Incomplete files will NOT be reviewed.
  • Please note that you may monitor the progress of your application (e.g. receipt of letters of recommendation, invitation to an admission committee etc.), as well as the status of your application (e.g. acceptance etc.), through the online application form.

Required Documents

All documents listed herein must be issued in English or in Hebrew. Documents that were originally issued in a different language must be translated into one of these two languages and submitted with a notary approval.


Regular Postdoc

  • Curriculum Vitae including a passport photograph on the first page and list of publications.
  • Either a formal approval of the doctorate degree, or formal approval that the thesis has been submitted, specifying an expected date for Ph.D. approval.
  • PhD thesis title page.
  • A copy of the Israeli ID (Israeli applicants), or a copy of the title page of the passport (international applicants).
  • At least two reference letters (including a letter from the PhD advisor). 
  • A letter of support from the potential WIS host.
  • A Summary of a research proposal (up to 2 pages).


FGS graduates who intend to continue their training as postdoctoral fellows in their PhD research group (allowed for up to 12 months) are required to submit the online registration form only.


Senior Postdoc

  • Curriculum Vitae including a list of main publications (up to 2 pages).
  • A research plan of up to 2 pages, including details of publications in preparation or in submission.
  • A career development plan (up to 1 page) describing the candidate’s career plans beyond the senior postdoc training period and how he/she intends to achieve these goals. Please note that the career development plan is not an extra page to describe the candidate’s research plan or personal development rather it should describe the practical steps the candidate intends to take towards an independent career in science, such as where and when he/she intends to apply, what are the relevant funding programs (if any), etc.
  • Up to four reference letters from senior academics who can attest to the candidate’s potential to advance to an independent research leader position. At least 2 letters must be from individuals who have not worked directly with the candidate, preferably from other institutions (not the host institutions for PhD or postdoc). The writers should upload their letters directly to the Online Calls System. (see the section on Submitting your Application File below).
  • A letter of endorsement from the potential WIS host confirming that funding will be available to cover the entire increased fellowship and travel allowance(the letter should be uploaded directly to the Online Calls System. (see the section on Submitting your Application File below).
  • Applicants who were not successful in a previous round and are re-applying should discuss their application with the Chair of the Postdoctoral Program in advance. If given permission to re-apply, they should attach a one page document detailing the changes in the application. Please note that candidates may not apply more than twice to this program, hence please consider very carefully before resubmitting an application.