
It is your responsibility at all times to ensure that you hold an appropriate, valid visa while you are in Israel. In order to extend your visa, or to bring your spouse or children after your arrival, please contact us.

Not in Israel yet?
Check out Before Arrival - Visas information.

Renewing your Visa

The International Office will contact you with detailed instructions for renewing your visa.

Changing Visa type

Please note:  If your status changes while you are here i.e you change from a student to an employee - you will need to change your visa. In order to change the type of visa you have, please contact us. For some types of changes, you may have to return to your home country.

Bringing Family Members

If you arrived alone and your spouse or children wish to join you here in Israel, start by sending a copy of their passports to the International Office and you will receive detailed instructions. 


More Information you may need

After arrival

Welcome to the Weizmann Institute! The information here will assist you with day-to day life in Israel, such as extending or changing your visa, using your health insurance, renting off campus, family life and more.

Read more about After arrival


The Weizmann Institute of Science operates over 500 housing units.  Here you will find information regarding maintaining your apartment, changing apartment type, departing from our housing and insuring the contents of your apartment.  In addition, when your eligibility for our housing ends, our team will assist you to locate and rent an off campus apartment in Rehovot.
Read more about Housing