Knowing what to do when you are thinking about starting a family or discovering you are pregnant, can seem daunting, especially when you are in a different country, away from family and friends. We have gathered all of the information that you will need to help you understand the system and know what to expect when you are expecting in Israel - please contact us to receive a written guide. Our door is always open for friendly advice and support.
More Information you may need
After arrival
Welcome to the Weizmann Institute! The information here will assist you with day-to day life in Israel, such as extending or changing your visa, using your health insurance, renting off campus, family life and more.
Learning Hebrew
Levels 1 & 2
We are glad to offer Hebrew lessons as subsidized courses on campus, overseen by the FGS in all academic aspects of the courses. The lessons are for FGS Internationals, FGS new immigrants, WIS Internationals employees, and their spouse.