Leading team:
- Prof. Ron Blonder
- Dr. Yael Shwartz
- Prof. Anat Yarden
- Dr. Giora Alexandron
Project team:
- Ehud Aviran
- Tal Hirsh Sameach
Secretariat and Administration:
Shani MotsaBrief
Current research indicates that personalized education is one of the main bases for successfully addressing gaps in knowledge, and that online environments have great potential for personalized teaching and learning. The purpose of this research is to examine, develop, and implement tools for personalized online teaching and learning which will hopefully provide a solution to the variance observed in high school science students. The study will utilize the personalized teaching and learning environment (PeTeL), which is currently in advanced stages of development and implementation in the Department of Science Teaching at the Weizmann Institute of Science. We assume that the ability of the PeTeL environment to provide teachers with a picture the cognitive-emotional-social progression in class of each student in real time, will enhance and support the use of teaching methods that address the learners’ variety of demands. Based on this information, PeTeL's system presents the teacher with their class situation, and offers them individually tailored activities for each student. The research method is comprised of quantitative methods, educational data mining methods (EDM), and statistical tools for data analysis. The research is accompanied by a team of techno-pedagogical experts who specialize in locating, adapting, developing, and accessing educational technologies, as well as supporting teachers in the use of educational technologies.
The project received a grant from the Chief Scientist of the Ministry of Education as part of Call for Research 36 (202012) on personalization of online teaching.