Development entity: University of Michigan, Northwestern University, Weizmann Institute of Science
Book subjects: Interdisciplinary Science Education
Book type: Student Edition
Book description:
Students begin this unit by watching a video of a large Rube Goldberg machine in action and then explore several apparatuses up close, some of which stop quickly and others continue moving without showing signs of stopping. As students explore the apparatuses and different types of energy, they gain a deeper understanding of how energy is involved in everything in the world, how it can be transformed from one type to another, and how it is transferred between systems, addressing several core ideas and crosscutting concepts. Students use two types of qualitative diagrams as models, engaging in the scientific practice of modeling to represent and explain energy conversions and energy transfer between systems.
Book audience: Pupil
Language: English
Catalog number: SKU: 978-1-64578-309-1

Physical Science: Why Do Some Things Stop While Others Keep Going?