About Us
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) is frequently the analytical tool of choice for studying organic and inorganic compounds in solution. This spectroscopic technique provides information about the structural and chemical properties of molecules. Since it is a non-destructive method, it is used to study the kinetics of chemical reactions and dynamic processes. The Organic Chemistry High-Resolution NMR Lab (OC NMR), located in Kimmelman 316, has three high-resolution spectrometers, 7T, 9.4T, and 11.7T.
The UltraShield Bruker AVANCE NEO (NanoBay)-300 spectrometer (7T) is an open-access facility offered mainly to members of the Molecular Chemistry and Material Sciences department and is used primarily for routine identification and standard work with small organic and inorganic molecules.
The Bruker AVANCE NEO-400 (9.4T) and AVANCE III HD-500 (11.7T) spectrometers provide a modern facility that offers a wide variety of advanced experiments to study structures and chemical processes in solution.