April 26, 1994 - April 26, 2027

  • Date:24SundayMarch 2019

    Interfacial rheology - why, what, and how

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    11:00 - 12:00
    Perlman Chemical Sciences Building
    Prof. Moshe Gottlieb
    Dept of Chemical Engineering, Ben Gurion University
    Department of Molecular Chemistry and Materials Science
    AbstractShow full text abstract about The idea that complex liquid-air interfaces laden with sur...»

    The idea that complex liquid-air interfaces laden with surfactants, colloids, or polymer molecules, possess rheological properties that differ from those of the bulk sub-phase has been suggested 150 years ago. Yet, even today we are still struggling with the means to properly measure these properties. In this talk we will first explore the reasons to worry at all about the properties of the interface, examine some of the consequences of interfacial rheology, and revisit a century old technique - the unjustifiably named “Langmuir trough”, pointing out some experimental peculiarities.