Reliable processing of quantum information is crucial for quantum technologies development. Characterizing the ubiquitous out-of-equilibrium quantum systems [1-3] is essential for designing optimal control and quantum sensing strategies. However, this task is highly challenging due to the complex high-order correlations and non-stationary nature. In this talk, I will present methods to characterize the decoherence of out-of-equilibrium quantum systems [1,4-6]. Using quantum simulations with Solid-State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, we quantify "out-of-time order correlations" (OTOCs [2-3]) to define a critical threshold in disturbances to achieve reliable control of large quantum systems [1,4-5]. Furthermore, we develop a framework for quantum sensing the dynamics of out-of-equilibrium systems [6]. The sensor manifests spectral and non-Markovian properties, providing a quantum technology to probe time-correlation properties and mitigate the decoherence effects of non-stationary environments.
[1] G. A. Alvarez, D. Suter, R. Kaiser. Science 349, 846 (2015).
[2] R.J. Lewis-Swan, A. Safavi-Naini, A.M. Kaufman, A.M. Rey. Nat. Rev. Phys. 1, 627 (2019).
[3] B. Swingle. Nat. Phys. 14, 988 (2018).
[4] F.D. Dominguez, M.C. Rodriguez, R. Kaiser, D. Suter, G.A. Alvarez. Phys. Rev. A 104, 012402 (2021).
[5] F.D. Dominguez, G.A. Alvarez. Phys. Rev. A 104, 062406 (2021).
[6] M. Kuffer, A. Zwick, G.A. Alvarez. PRX Quantum 3, 020321 (2022).