September 14, 1994 - September 14, 2027

  • Date:15ThursdayAugust 2024

    Geometric Functional Analysis and Probability Seminar

    More information
    13:30 - 14:30
    Relaxing, mixing and cutoff for random walks on nilpotent groups
    Jacob Ziskind Building
    Room 155
    Jonathan Hermon
    Department of Mathematics
    AbstractShow full text abstract about The mixing time and spectral gap of a random walk on the sym...»
    The mixing time and spectral gap of a random walk on the symmetric group can sometimes be understood in terms of its low dimensional representations (e.g., Aldous' spectral gap conjecture). It turns out that under a mild degree condition involving the step of the group, the same holds for nilpotent groups w.r.t. their one dimensional representations: the spectral gap and the epsilon total variation mixing time of the walk on G are determined by those of the projection of the walk to the abelianization G/[G,G]. We'll discuss some applications concerning the cutoff phenomenon (= abrupt convergence to equilibrium) and the dependence (or lack of!) of the spectral gap and the mixing time on the choice of generators.  

    As time permits we shall discuss a related result, confirming in the nilpotent setup a conjecture of Aldous and Diaconis concerning the occurrence of cutoff when a diverging number of generators are picked uniformly at random. Joint work with Zoe Huang.