February 11, 1995 - February 11, 2028

  • Date:17ThursdayJune 2021

    ULTRASAT: Revolutionizing our view of the transient universe

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    11:15 - 12:30
    LecturerProf. Eli Waxman
    Weizmann Institute of Science
    Faculty of Physics
    AbstractShow full text abstract about ULTRASAT is a scientific satellite, that is planned to be la...»
    ULTRASAT is a scientific satellite, that is planned to be launched to a geo-stationary orbit in Q4 2024. It will carry a telescope with an unprecedentedly large field of view (200 squared degrees) and UV (220-280nm) sensitivity. These unique properties will enable us to detect and systematically study transient astronomical events within an extra-Galactic volume, that is hundreds of time larger than that accessible to current observatories. ULTRASAT’s measurements will have a broad science impact across the fields of gravitational wave sources, supernovae, variable and flare stars, active galactic nuclei, tidal disruption events, compact objects, and galaxies. In this talk I will review ULTRASAT’s key science goals, its unique technical properties, and the project’s structure and status.