ULTRASAT collaboration workshop, July 11-13, 2023

July 11, 2023 - July 13, 2023


We will hold the ULTRASAT collaboration workshop on Tuesday-Thursday, July 11-13, 2023.
The meeting is for the ULTRASAT collaboration members only (i.e., WG members and associates), including the participation of the new US WG members, which are expected to be selected in time for the workshop (in the coming 1-2 months).

The goal of the workshop is to continue developing the ULTRASAT science program: Elaborate the definitions of key science questions and key observations (including observing strategy), discuss possible new science questions, WG reports on progress on preparatory work, plan the continuation of preparatory work.
We highly encourage all members of the collaboration to register for giving talks related to their ULTRASAT work.

The workshop will be held at the Weizmann Institute of Science (WIS). 
Please register for the workshop using the link below, by June 18, 2023 (Extended for the US participants)
Postdocs and students of WG members that work on ULTRASAT-related science are also welcome to register.

  • An excursion day is planned for July 10th for non-Israeli participants.

List of participants

We will hold the ULTRASAT collaboration workshop on Tuesday-Thursday, July 11-13, 2023.
The meeting is for the ULTRASAT collaboration members only (i.e., WG members and associates), including the participation of the new US WG members, which are expected to be selected in time for the workshop (in the coming 1-2 months).

The goal of the workshop is to continue developing the ULTRASAT science program: Elaborate the definitions of key science questions and key observations (including observing strategy), discuss possible new science questions, WG reports on progress on preparatory work, plan the continuation of preparatory work.
We highly encourage all members of the collaboration to register for giving talks related to their ULTRASAT work.

The workshop will be held at the Weizmann Institute of Science (WIS). 
Please register for the workshop using the link below, by June 18, 2023 (Extended for the US participants).
Postdocs and students of WG members that work on ULTRASAT-related science are also welcome to register.

  • An excursion day is planned for July 10th for non-Israeli participants.

For registration

List of participants


Monday, July 10, 2023

Excursion day to Jerusalem

Tuesday, July 11, 2023
Science Workshop - Day 1

Israel time



9:00-10:00 Welcome coffee
10:00-10:25 ULTRASAT mission overview and workshop goals [presentation] E. Waxman
10:25-10:50 ULTRASAT capabilities and project status [presentation] Y. Shvartzvald
10:50-11:10 WG1: Transient Stellar Explosions [presentation] A. Gal-Yam

Early Time Observations of Nearby Supernovae, and Looking Ahead Towards ULTRASAT [presentation]

D. Sand

Constraining the CSM of interacting SNe with early UV observations [presentation]

M. Soumagnac
11:40-11:55 Shock cooling and Ibc early UV with Ultrasat [presentation] I. Irani

Lunch break

13:15-13:35 WG2: Gravitational Wave Sources [presentation] E. Ofek

H0 Calibration Precision through Joint ULTRASAT-GW Kilonova Detections [presentation]

D. Kushnir
13:50-14:05 UV signal from shock breakout in CCSN with magnetars and implication on GW signals [presentation] D. Guetta

Non-thermal emission from mildly relativistic ejecta of BNS merger [presentation]

G. Sadeh

Analytic Description of Beta Decay Electron Thermalization in Kilonovae Ejecta [presentation]

B. Shenhar
14:35-14:50 Thermalization of gamma-rays in kilonovae [presentation] O. Guttman

A technical ecosystem to enable multi-messenger astrophysics [presentation]

M. Coughlin
15:05-15:40 Coffee break
15:40-16:00 WG10: GRBs [presentation] J. Rhoads
16:00-16:15 The Landscape of Relativistic Stellar Explosions [presentation] A. Ho
16:15-16:30 The Diversity and Ubiquity of Relativistic Jets [presentation] B. Cenko 
16:30-18:00 WGs meeting session
18:00-20:00 Dinner @ WIS
Wednesday, July 12, 2023
Science Workshop - Day 2

Israel time



9:30-10:00 Morning Coffee
10:00-10:20 WG13: Follow-up [presentation] A. Gal-Yam
10:20-10:40 WG7: AGN [presentation] B. Trakhtenbrot
10:40-11:00 WG8: TDEs [presentation] N. Stone

Harnessing the Power of the High-Cadence UV Time Domain to Identify Tidal Disruption Events from Intermediate Mass Black Holes [presentation]

S. Gezari
11:15-11:30 Loss cone shielding [presentation] O. Teboul
11:30-11:50 WG9: Solar system [presentation] D. Polishook

Mapping Cometary Water Production Rates Throughout the Solar System [presentation]

D. Bodewits
12:05-13:30 Lunch break
13:30-13:50 WG3: Exoplanets [presentation]

S. Ben-Ami

13:50-14:10 WG5: Stars [presentation]

D. Maoz

14:10-14:25 Stellar Astrophysics with Ultrasat [presentation] M. Kilic
14:25-14:40 NUV flare rates of M-dwarfs with GALEX [presentation] P. Rekhi

Introducing TACHELES: A chromospheric transit model for transmission spectroscopy [presentation]

V. Perdelwitz

14:55-15:10 Investigating the Impact of Stellar Activity on Exoplanets using Data from TESS and ULTRASAT [presentation] E. Gilbert

Coffee break

15:45-16:00 AGN and TDE variability in the ULTRASAT era [presentation]

E. Kara (R)


A multi-wavelength survey of space weather beyond the solar system [presentation]

T. Dylan
16:15-16:30 Stellar activity, accretion, and chronometry in the UV [presentation] K. Stassun
16:30-18:00 WGs meeting session
18:30-20:30 Dinner at a Restaurant (Non-Israelis + SB+WG-leads)
Thursday, July 13, 2023
Science Workshop - Day 3

Israel time



9:30-10:00 Morning Coffee
10:00-10:20 WG11: Data analysis [presentation] E. Ofek

ULTRASAT Data Processing and Analysis with ALICE (Adaptive LIght Curve Extractor) [presentation]

T. Ramiaramanantsoa

Addition and Subtraction of undersampled images and ULTRASAT [presentation]

B. Zackay

Rapid Classification and Follow-up of ULTRASAT Extragalactic Transients [presentation]

A. Zalbudoff
11:05-11:25 WG4: Cosmology [presentation] M. Kowalski
11:25-11:45 WG6: Galaxies [presentation]

J. Rhoads

11:45-12:00 ULTRASAT as a powerful cosmological probe [presentation] E. Kovets

Lunch break


WG reports (WGs 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9)

15:00-15:30 Coffee break
15:30-17:00 Open discussion


The Event will be held at the Weizmann Institute of Science, Weissman Physics Building, Physics Library.
