ספטמבר 22, 1994 - ספטמבר 22, 2027

  • Date:19שניאוקטובר 2020

    Braginsky Center for the Interface between Science and the Humanities zoom lecture with Prof. Mario Livio

    More information
    16:00 - 17:00
    GALILEO and the Science Deniers
    Prof. Mario Livio
    Astrophysicist,University of Nevada, Las Vegas
    מרכז על-שם ברגינסקי לשילוב בין מדעי הטבע למדעי הרוח
    Special Guest Seminar
    צרו קשר
    תקצירShow full text abstract about A fresh biography of Galileo Galilei which puts his scientif...»
    A fresh biography of Galileo Galilei which puts his scientific discoveries in context.
    Disturbed by rampant science denial in America—and around the world—that has only intensified in recent years, I began researching the life, ideas, and actions of this brilliant man who encountered similar pressures centuries ago. The result is a biography filled with lessons relevant for today—whether with respect to trusting the advice given by scientists in relation to COVID-19, the reality of climate change, the efficacy of vaccines, or the teaching of creationist theories in schools. I will discuss these topics in this talk.