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  • Date:23ThursdayJanuary 2025

    Physics Colloquium

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    11:15 - 12:30
    It takes two to tango: The physics of heterogeneous bacterial active matter systems
    Physics Weissman Auditorium
    LecturerProf. Joel Stavans
    Light refreshments at 11:00
    Department of Physics of Complex Systems
    AbstractShow full text abstract about <p>Non-equilibrium active matter systems often exhibit...»
    <p>Non-equilibrium active matter systems often exhibit self-organized, collective motion that can give rise to the emergence of coherent spatial structures. Prime examples covering many length scales range from mammal herds, fish schools and bird flocks, to insect and robot swarms. Despite significant advances in understanding the behavior of homogeneous systems in the last decades, little is known about the self-organization and dynamics of heterogeneous active matter. I will present results of bioconvection experiments with multispecies suspensions of wild-type bacteria from the hyper-diverse bacterial communities of Cuatro Ciénegas, Coahuila, whose origin dates back to the pre-Cambrian. Under oxygen gradients, these bacteria swim in auto-organized, directional flows, whose spatial scales exceed the cell size by orders of magnitude, demonstrating a plethora of amazing dynamical behaviors, including segregation. I will present evidence supporting the notion that the mechanisms giving rise to these complex behaviors are predominantly physical, and not a result of biological interactions. This research significantly advances our understanding of both heterogeneity in active matter, as well as in the dynamics of complex microbial ecological communities, bringing profound insights into their spatial organization and collective behavior.</p>
  • Date:23ThursdayJanuary 2025

    Vision and AI

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    12:15 - 13:15
    Trainable Highly-expressive Activation Functions
    Jacob Ziskind Building
    Room 1 - 1 חדר
    LecturerIrit Chelly & Shira Ifergane
    Department of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics
    AbstractShow full text abstract about Nonlinear activation functions are pivotal to the success of...»
    Nonlinear activation functions are pivotal to the success of deep neural nets, and choosing the appropriate activation function can significantly affect their performance. Most networks use fixed activation functions (e.g., ReLU, GELU, etc.), and this choice might limit their expressiveness. Furthermore, different layers may benefit from diverse activation functions. Consequently, there has been a growing interest in trainable activation functions. In this paper, we introduce DiTAC, a trainable highly-expressive activation function based on an efficient diffeomorphic transformation (called CPAB). Despite introducing only a negligible number of trainable parameters, DiTAC enhances model expressiveness and performance, often yielding substantial improvements. It also outperforms existing activation functions (regardless whether the latter are fixed or trainable) in tasks such as semantic segmentation, image generation, regression problems, and image classification. The talk is based on [Chelly et. all, ECCV '24].


    Speakers' short bio:

    Irit Chelly is a PhD student in the Computer Science department at Ben-Gurion University, where she also earned her M.Sc., under the supervision of Dr. Oren Freifeld in the Vision, Inference, and Learning group. Her research focuses on probabilistic clustering using non-parametric Bayesian models and unsupervised learning. Her previous projects involved spatial transformations and dimensionality reduction in video analysis, and generative models. Irit won the national-level Aloni PhD scholarship from Israel's Ministry of Technology and Science as well as the BGU Hi-tech scholarship for excellent PhD students, and received annually awards and instructor rank for outstanding teaching skills in essential courses in the Computer Science department. 

    Shira Ifergane is an MSc Computer Science student at BGU, working at the Vision, Inference, and Learning group under the supervision of Prof. Oren Freifeld. Shira co-authored an ECCV 2024 paper and has won the national MS scholarship for AI and Data Science research from Israel's Council for Higher Education. Her current research centers on efficient deep models for video analysis.
  • Date:27MondayJanuary 2025

    Integrating Peptides and DNA for Tailored Material Design

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    11:00 - 12:00
    Schmidt Lecture Hall
    LecturerDr. Zohar A. Arnon
    Department of Molecular Chemistry and Materials Science
    AbstractShow full text abstract about <p>In nature, sequence-specific biopolymers, such as p...»
    <p>In nature, sequence-specific biopolymers, such as peptides and nucleic acids, are essential to various biological systems and processes. These biopolymers are utilized in materials science to achieve precise property control. Typically, variations in amino acid sequences focus on functional regulation while nucleotides are used for structural control. This raises the question: How can we integrate peptide-based functionality with the spatial precision of DNA nanotechnology for innovative material design? Here, I will present examples illustrating the incredible properties of peptide self-assembly from my PhD, and the remarkable nanoarchitecture design achieved through DNA nanotechnology from my Postdoc. These two key elements establish a vision of utilizing and synergizing peptide functionality with structural control achieved by DNA nanotechnology.</p><p>Specifically, I will show how subtle changes in the molecular environment influence the morphology and behavior of peptide assemblies such as diphenylalanine crystals and enable control over their growth and disassembly processes, revealing insights into peptide-based material manipulation (Nat. Commun., 2016). Another example is that of the amorphous assemblies of tri-tyrosine peptides, where we linked the molecular arrangement to unique mechanical and optical properties of glass-like peptide structures (Nature, 2024).</p><p>Next, I will introduce the principles of DNA nanotechnology for advanced structural control. By designing DNA nano-frames capable of self-assembling into organized lattices, we created micron-scale 3D materials. We discovered that a minor modification in DNA linker length induces a crystalline phase transition, from simple cubic to face-centered cubic structures, altering lattice geometry. In addition, we established a method using acoustic waves to achieve scalable and morphologically controllable DNA assemblies at the millimetric scale (Nat. Commun., 2024). This approach highlights how DNA nanotechnology provides unparalleled spatial control, decoupling structural architecture from functional elements such as peptides and nanoparticles. Together, these projects illustrate how peptides and DNA nanotechnology can be potentially integrated to engineer novel materials and enhance our capacity to design materials with tailored properties across scales.</p>
  • Date:27MondayJanuary 2025

    Physics Colloquium

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    11:15 - 12:30
    Programmable quantum many-body physics with Rydberg atom arrays
    Nella and Leon Benoziyo Physics Library
    LecturerDr. Tom Manovitz
    Light refreshments will be served at 11:00
    Department of Physics of Complex Systems
    AbstractShow full text abstract about <p>Programmable quantum platforms have emerged as powe...»
    <p>Programmable quantum platforms have emerged as powerful tools for studying quantum many-body phenomena, with applications ranging from condensed matter and high energy physics to quantum algorithms. In this talk, I will discuss recent developments involving programmable Rydberg atom arrays, which allow for precise and coherent control of hundreds of atoms in two dimensions, along with individual addressability and reconfigurable geometry. First, I will describe explorations of ordering dynamics in a quantum magnet following a quantum phase transition. Using individual atom control, we uncover the interplay of quantum criticality and non-equilibrium phenomena, and observe long-lived oscillations of the order parameter akin to an amplitude (“Higgs”) mode, with interesting implications near the quantum critical point. I will then describe the digital realization of the Kitaev honeycomb model, including observation of an exotic non-Abelian spin-liquid, as well as the use of topological order to design a programmable fermionic simulator. These measurements introduce new avenues for the study of quantum criticality and fermionic models, respectively. Finally, I will briefly discuss future opportunities in explorations of quantum many-body physics with atom arrays, with emphasis on new frontiers in the study of quantum criticality.</p>
  • Date:28TuesdayJanuary 2025

    TBA .

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    14:00 - 15:00
    Gerhard M.J. Schmidt Lecture Hall
    LecturerDr. Ferdinand Greiss
    Department of Chemical and Structural Biology
  • Date:29WednesdayJanuary 2025

    Special Guest Seminar

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    11:00 - 12:00
    Mapping Antibody-Mediated Mechanisms of Protection Against Shigella
    Max and Lillian Candiotty Building
    LecturerDr. Biana Bernshtein
    Ragon Institute of MGH, MIT and Harvard
    Department of Immunology and Regenerative Biology
  • Date:30ThursdayJanuary 2025

    In honor of the 100th birthday of Prof. Yigal Talmi

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    11:15 - 12:30
    Factorization and Universality in Nuclear Physics
    Physics Weissman Auditorium
    LecturerProf. Nir Barnea
    Faculty of Physics
    AbstractShow full text abstract about <p>The study of dilute, strongly interacting quantum g...»
    <p>The study of dilute, strongly interacting quantum gases reveals</p><p>universal properties that transcend the specifics of individual</p><p>systems. These features arise from their short-range behavior</p><p>and are encapsulated in a key quantity called the “contact”, which</p><p>quantifies the probability of two particles being in close proximity.</p><p>In this talk, I will introduce the contact theory and its extension to</p><p>nuclear and molecular systems beyond the zero-range limit. I will</p><p>demonstrate its applicability in analyzing nuclear electron</p><p>scattering and photo absorption reactions.</p><p>Additionally, I will discuss how mean-field approximations, such as</p><p>the nuclear shell model, can effectively estimate the contact,</p><p>offering valuable insights into the underlying physics.</p>
  • Date:30ThursdayJanuary 2025

    Vision and AI

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    12:15 - 13:15
    Understanding and Enhancing Deep Neural Networks with Automated Interpretability
    Jacob Ziskind Building
    Room 1 - 1 חדר
    LecturerTamar Rott Shaham
    Department of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics
    AbstractShow full text abstract about Deep neural networks are becoming incredibly sophisticated; ...»
    Deep neural networks are becoming incredibly sophisticated; they can generate realistic images, engage in complex dialogues, analyze intricate data, and execute tasks that appear almost human-like. But how do such models achieve these abilities?

    In this talk, I will present a line of work that aims to explain behaviors of deep neural networks. This includes a new approach for evaluating cross-domain knowledge encoded in generative models, tools for uncovering core mechanisms in large language models, and their behavior under fine-tuning. Next, I will introduce the Automated Interpretability Agent (AIA), a system that automates and scales the scientific process of interpreting neural networks. When presented with an interpretability task—such as explaining the role of a specific neuron or identifying failures in the model's predictions—AIA autonomously formulates hypotheses, designs experiments to test model behaviors iteratively, and refines explanations based on experimental outcomes. I will demonstrate how AIA’s findings can be used to mitigate biases and enhance model performance. The talk will conclude with a discussion of future directions, including developing universal interpretability tools and extending interpretability methods to automate scientific discovery.


    Tamar Rott Shaham is a postdoctoral researcher at MIT CSAIL in Antonio Torralba’s lab. She earned her PhD from the ECE faculty at the Technion, supervised by Prof. Tomer Michaeli. Tamar has received several awards, including the ICCV 2019 Best Paper Award (Marr Prize), the Google WTM Scholarship, the Adobe Research Fellowship, the Rothchild Postdoctoral Fellowship, the Vatat-Zuckerman Postdoctoral Scholarship, and the Schmidt Postdoctoral Award.
  • Date:30ThursdayJanuary 2025

    Leveraging single cell technologies to engineer the immune system

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    14:00 - 15:00
    Candiotty, Auditorium
    LecturerProf. Ido Amit
    Dwek Institute for Cancer Therapy Research
  • Date:30ThursdayJanuary 2025

    To be announced

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    15:00 - 16:00
    Nella and Leon Benoziyo Building for Biological Sciences
    LecturerProf. Uri Ben-David, Prof. Uri Ben-David
    Dept of Human Molecular Genetics & Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University
    Department of Biomolecular Sciences
  • Date:03MondayFebruary 2025

    Weizmann neuroscience research symposium

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    08:00 - 08:00
    The David Lopatie Conference Centre
    Rony Paz
    The Azrieli Institute for Brain and Neural Sciences
  • Date:03MondayFebruary 2025

    Chemistry colloquium

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    11:00 - 12:15
    Gerhard M.J. Schmidt Lecture Hall
    LecturerProf. Mark Gandelman
  • Date:03MondayFebruary 2025

    Foundations of Computer Science Seminar

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    11:15 - 12:15
    Vizing's Theorem in Near-Linear Time
    Jacob Ziskind Building
    Room 1 - 1 חדר
    LecturerShay Solomon
    Department of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics
    AbstractShow full text abstract about Vizing's Theorem from 1964 states that any n-vertex m-e...»
    Vizing's Theorem from 1964 states that any n-vertex m-edge graph of maximum degree Δ can be edge colored using at most Δ+1 different colors.

    Vizing's original proof is algorithmic and implies that such an edge coloring can be found in O(mn) time.

    In this talk, I'll present a randomized algorithm that computes a (Δ+1)-edge coloring in near-linear time -- in fact, only O(mlogΔ) time -- with high probability.
  • Date:05WednesdayFebruary 2025

    2025 Israeli Nucleic Acids Therapeutics Meeting

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    08:30 - 18:00
    The David Lopatie Conference Centre
    Igor Ulitsky
    Abisch-Frenkel RNA Therapeutics Center
  • Date:05WednesdayFebruary 2025

    Life Sciences Luncheon

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    12:00 - 14:00
    Prof. Tamar Geiger
    Nella and Leon Benoziyo Building for Biological Sciences
    LecturerProf. Tamar Geiger
  • Date:06ThursdayFebruary 2025

    Senescent cells on the crossroads of cancer and aging

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    14:00 - 15:00
    Candiotty Auditorium
    LecturerProf. Valery Krizhanovsky
    Dwek Institute for Cancer Therapy Research , Moross Integrated Cancer Center (MICC)
  • Date:10MondayFebruary 2025

    Foundations of Computer Science Seminar

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    11:15 - 12:15
    Abundant resources can trigger reduced consumption: Unveiling the paradox of excessive scrounging
    Jacob Ziskind Building
    Room 1 - 1 חדר
    LecturerAmos Korman
    Haifa University
    Department of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics
    AbstractShow full text abstract about "In the 2004 Olympics, the US national basketball team ...»
    "In the 2004 Olympics, the US national basketball team failed to win the gold medal despite featuring superstars such as LeBron James. This event raises a fundamental question: Why do teams with highly skilled players sometimes underperform compared to teams with less skilled players? In this talk, I will explore situations where such an outcome can be attributed to a surge in free-riding behavior resulting from rational choices by self-interested players. Specifically, I will demonstrate how, under certain incentivizing schemes, improving individual efficiency can inadvertently promote excessive free-riding behavior, ultimately leading to reduced outcomes at both group and individual levels. I will illustrate this phenomenon through two simple games: one on group foraging and the other on workplace cooperation. In the foraging game, an increase in available food can paradoxically lead to a decrease in food consumption, while in the workplace model, replacing workers with more skilled individuals can worsen both individual payoffs and group performance."
  • Date:11TuesdayFebruary 2025

    Tu Bishvat event

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    10:00 - 12:00
    Michael Sela Auditorium
    Cultural Events
  • Date:11TuesdayFebruary 2025

    Special Guest Seminar

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    11:00 - 12:00
    Max and Lillian Candiotty Building
    LecturerDr. Omri Wurtzel
    Department of Immunology and Regenerative Biology
  • Date:18TuesdayFebruary 2025

    Sagol Longevity Series

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    11:00 - 12:00
    Arthur and Rochelle Belfer Building for Biomedical Research
    Sagol Institute for Longevity Research
