ספטמבר 23, 1994 - ספטמבר 23, 2027

  • Date:20חמישיספטמבר 2018

    Proteomic analysis of breast cancer heterogeneity

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    14:00 - 15:00
    Special Guest Seminar
    בניין ע"ש מקס ולילאן קנדיוטי
    Dr. Tamar Geiger
    Department of Human Molecular Genetics and Biochemistry Sackler Faculty of Medicine Tel Aviv University
    המחלקה לאימונולוגיה ורגנרציה ביולוגית
    צרו קשר
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    please contact
    Rina Tzoref, Seminars Coordinator: li.tzoref@weizmann.ac.il
    Batya Greenman: batya.greenman@weizmann.ac.il
    Prof. Yosef Yarden
    08 934 4015
    Breast cancer is a heterogeneous group of diseases, traditionally distinguished based on the
    expression levels of three key receptors: Estrogen receptor, progesterone receptor and Her2.
    However extensive mRNA expression studies, and genomic studies show higher complexity of
    classification and can further subdivide the tumors. In our work, we apply mass spectrometry-based
    proteomics analysis and challenge the existing classification. Furthermore, we analyze the internal
    tumor heterogeneity by dividing the tumors according to their histopathological parameters, and
    identify the diversity of proteomic profiles within single tumors. Altogether, the proteomic approach
    was able to unravel hidden layers within this complex disease.