ספטמבר 26, 1994 - ספטמבר 26, 2027

  • Date:15רביעיינואר 2020

    Surface Modification by Molecular/Atomic Layer Deposition of Functional Thin Films

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    11:00 - 12:00
    אולם הרצאות ע"ש גרהרד שמידט
    Dr. Malachi Noked
    Chemistry Department, Bar Ilan University
    המחלקה לכימיה מולקולרית ולמדע חומרים
    צרו קשר
    תקצירShow full text abstract about Atomic/Molecular layer deposition (ALD/MLD) are based on the...»
    Atomic/Molecular layer deposition (ALD/MLD) are based on the use of hetero- and homo-bifunctional organic or metal-organic compounds that vaporize, chemisorb onto and react with an appropriately functionalized surface. Both ALD and MLD allow temporal separation of any number of precursors, each of which produces self-limiting adsorption/reaction on the surface so that typical uptake is limited to ~one monolayer of any given precursor. This leads to growth controlled at the monolayer level and self-limiting reactions that have shown extreme conformality, even into ultra-high-aspect-ratio and porous substrates.

    In my talk I will show how utilization of carefully chosen M/ALD process enables functionalization of interfaces. I will show to sides of the coins for surface modification; namely turning “inert” interface into functional interface/interphase (e.g. inert interface into enantioselective interface) or by changing active interface into inert interface (e.g. protection layer on reactive surface in batteries).
    In the enantioselective example I will address a question with both fundamental and applicative significance: can we grow molecularly thin films from the vapor phase, which maintain a desirable chemical property originated from the source precursor. This question can be exemplified by a variety of chemical properties, such as MLD of enantioselective thin films from chiral building blocks (e.g. volatile amino acids), thin film deposition of molecular traps, and more.
