Protein Purification Publications

  1. Netzer R., Listov D., Lipsh R., Dym O., Albeck S., Knop O., Kleanthous C. & Fleishman S. J. (2018). Ultrahigh specificity in a network of computationally designed protein-interaction pairs.  Nature Communications. 2018 Dec 11 , 9 (1).
  2. Lapidoth G., Khersonsky O., Lipsh R., Dym O., Albeck S., Rogotner S. & Fleishman S. J. (2018). Highly active enzymes by automated combinatorial backbone assembly and sequence design.  Nature Communications. 2018 Jul 17 , 9 .
  3. Kantaev R., Riven I., Goldenzweig A., Barak Y., Dym O., Peleg Y., Albeck S., Fleishman S. J. & Haran G. (2018). Manipulating the Folding Landscape of a Multi-Domain Protein.  Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 2018 Dec 13 , 122 (49):11030-11038.
  4. Baran D., Pszolla M. G., Lapidoth G. D., Norn C., Dym O., Unger T., Albeck S., Tyka M. D. & Fleishman S. J. (2017). Principles for computational design of binding antibodies.  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2017 Oct 10 , 114 (41):10900-10905.
  5. Erez Z., Steinberger-Levy I., Shamir M., Doron S., Stokar Avihail A. A., Peleg Y., Melamed S., Leavitt A., Savidor A., Albeck S., Amitai G. & Sorek R. (2017). Communication between viruses guides lysis-lysogeny decisions.  Nature. 2017 Jan 26 , 541 (7638):488-493.
  6. Goldenzweig A., Goldsmith M., Hill S. E., Gertman O., Laurino P., Ashani Y., Dym O., Unger T., Albeck S., Prilusky J., Lieberman R. L., Aharoni A., Silman I., Sussman J., Tawfik D. & Fleishman S. J. (2016). Automated Structure- and Sequence-Based Design of Proteins for High Bacterial Expression and Stability.  Molecular Cell. 2016 Jul 21 , 63 (2):337-346.
  7. Sun L., Xiong Y., Bashan A., Zimmerman E., Daube S. S., Peleg Y., Albeck S., Unger T., Yonath H., Krupkin M., Matzov D. & Yonath A. (2015). A Recombinant Collagen-mRNA Platform for Controllable Protein Synthesis.  ChemBioChem. 2015 Jul 6 , 16 (10):1415-1419.
  8. Nissinkorn Y., Lahav-Mankovski N., Rabinkov A., Albeck S., Motiei L. & Margulies D. (2015). [Cover Profile] Sensing Protein Surfaces with Targeted Fluorescent Receptors..  Chemistry (Weinheim an der Bergstrasse, Germany). 2015 Nov , 21 (45):15873-15873.
  9. Zimhony O., Schwarz A., Raitses-Gurevich M., Peleg Y., Dym O., Albeck S., Burstein Y. & Shakked Z. (2015). AcpM, the meromycolate extension Acyl carrier protein of mycobacterium tuberculosis, is activated by the 4\u2032-phosphopantetheinyl transferase PptT, a potential target of the multistep mycolic acid biosynthesis.  Biochemistry. 2015 Apr 14 , 54 (14):2360-2371.
  10. Nissinkorn Y., Lahav-Mankovski N., Rabinkov A., Albeck S., Motiei L. & Margulies D. (2015). Sensing Protein Surfaces with Targeted Fluorescent Receptors.  Chemistry (Weinheim an der Bergstrasse, Germany). 2015 Nov 1 , 21 (45):15981-15987.
  11. Sobolev V., Edelman M., Dym O., Unger T., Albeck S., Kirma M. & Galili G. (2013). Structure of ALD1, a plant-specific homologue of the universal diaminopimelate aminotransferase enzyme of lysine biosynthesis.  Acta Crystallographica Section F-Structural Biology And Crystallization Communications. 2013 Feb , 69 (2):84-89.
  12. Krieg E., Albeck S., Weissman H., Shimoni E. & Rybtchinski B. (2013). Separation, Immobilization, and Biocatalytic Utilization of Proteins by a Supramolecular Membrane.  PLoS ONE. 2013 May 10 , 8 (5).
  13. Bharat T. A. M., Zbaida D., Eisenstein M., Frankenstein Z., Mehlman T., Weiner L., Sorzano C. O. S., Barak Y., Albeck S., Briggs J. A. G., Wolf S. G. & Elbaum M. (2013). Variable internal flexibility characterizes the helical capsid formed by agrobacterium VirE2 protein on single-stranded DNA.  Structure. 2013 Jul 2 , 21 (7):1158-1167.
  14. Khersonsky O., Kiss G., Röthlisberger D., Dym O., Albeck S., Houk K. N., Baker D. & Tawfik D. S. (2012). Bridging the gaps in design methodologies by evolutionary optimization of the stability and proficiency of designed Kemp eliminase KE59.  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2012 Jun 26 , 109 (26):10358-10363.
  15. Hama S., Soran H., Albeck S., Charlton-Menys V., Yadav R., Liu Y., France M., Tawfiq D. & Durrington P. (2012). HIGH PARAOXONASE-1 HDL IS MORE EFFECTIVE THAN LOW PARAOXONASE-1 HDL IN IMPEDING LDL OXIDATION IN VITRO.  Atherosclerosis. 2012 Aug , 223 (2):529-529.
  16. Karanicolas J., Com J. E., Chen I., Joachimiak L. A., Dym O., Peck S. H., Albeck S., Unger T., Hu W., Liu G., Delbecq S., Montelione G. T., Spiegel C. P., Liu D. R. & Baker D. (2011). A De Novo Protein Binding Pair By Computational Design and Directed Evolution.  Molecular Cell. 2011 Apr 22 , 42 (2):250-260.
  17. Carlessi R., Levin-Salomon V., Ciprut S., Bialik S., Berissi H., Albeck S., Peleg Y. & Kimchi A. (2011). GTP binding to the ROC domain of DAP-kinase regulates its function through intramolecular signalling.  EMBO Reports. 2011 Sept , 12 (9):917-923.
  18. Li M., Greenblatt H. M., Dym O., Albeck S., Pais A., Gunanathan C., Milstein D., Degani H. & Sussman J. (2011). Structure of estradiol metal chelate and estrogen receptor complex: The basis for designing a new class of selective estrogen receptor modulators.  Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 2011 May 26 , 54 (10):3575-3580.
  19. Cohen S., Albeck S., Ben-Dov E., Cahan R., Firer M., Zaritsky A. & Dym O. (2011). Cyt1Aa toxin: Crystal structure reveals implications for its membrane-perforating function.  Journal of Molecular Biology. 2011 Nov 4 , 413 (4):804-814.
  20. Siton O., Ideses Y., Albeck S., Unger T., Bershadsky A. D., Gov N. S. & Bernheim-Groswasser A. (2011). Cortactin releases the brakes in actin- based motility by enhancing WASP-VCA detachment from Arp2/3 branches.  Current Biology. 2011 Dec 20 , 21 (24):2092-2097.