Mass Cytometry Publications

  1. Cohen M., Giladi A., Gorki A., Galbard Solodkin D., Zada M., Hladik A., Miklosi A., Salame T., Halpern K. B., David E., Itzkovitz S., Harkany T., Knapp S. & Amit I. (2018). Lung Single-Cell Signaling Interaction Map Reveals Basophil Role in Macrophage Imprinting.  Cell. 2018 Nov 1 , 175 (4):1031-1044.e18.
  2. Oclon E., Solomon G., Hayouka Z., Salame T. M., Goffin V. & Gertler A. (2018). Novel reagents for human prolactin research: Large-scale preparation and characterization of prolactin receptor extracellular domain, non-pegylated and pegylated prolactin and prolactin receptor antagonist.  Protein Engineering, Design and Selection. 2018 Jan , 31 (1):7-16.
  3. Romaniello D., Mazzeo L., Mancini M., Marrocco I., Noronha A., Kreitman M., Srivastava S., Ghosh S., Lindzen M., Salame T. M., Onn A., Bar J. & Yarden Y. (2018). A Combination of Approved Antibodies Overcomes Resistance of Lung Cancer to Osimertinib by Blocking Bypass Pathways.  Clinical Cancer Research. 2018 Nov 15 , 24 (22):5610-5621.
  4. Medaglia C., Giladi A., Stoler-Barak L., De Giovanni M., Salame T. M., Biram A., David E., Li H., Iannacone M., Shulman Z. & Amit I. (2017). Spatial reconstruction of immune niches by combining photoactivatable reporters and scRNA-seq.  Science. 2017 Dec 22 , 358 (6370):1622-1626.
  5. Nimri L., Spivak O., Tal D., Schälling D., Peri I., Graeve L., Salame T. M., Yarden O., Hadar Y. & Schwartz B. (2017). A recombinant fungal compound induces anti-proliferative and pro-apoptotic effects on colon cancer cells.  Oncotarget. 2017, 8 (17):28854-28864.
  6. Gropper Y., Feferman T., Shalit T., Salame T. M., Porat Z. & Shakhar G. (2017). Culturing CTLs under Hypoxic Conditions Enhances Their Cytolysis and Improves Their Anti-tumor Function.  Cell Reports. 2017 Sept 12 , 20 (11):2547-2555.
  7. Jaitin D. A., Weiner A., Yofe I., Lara Astiaso D., Keren-Shaul H., David E., Salame T. M., Tanay A., van Oudenaarden A. & Amit I. (2016). Dissecting Immune Circuits by Linking CRISPR-Pooled Screens with Single-Cell RNA-Seq.  Cell. 2016 Dec 15 , 167 (7):1883-1896.e15.
  8. Gury-BenAri M., Thaiss C. A., Serafini N., Winter D. R., Giladi A., Lara Astiaso A. D., Levy M., Salame T. M., Weiner A., David E., Shapiro H., Dori-Bachash M., Pevsner-Fischer M., Lorenzo Vivas V. E., Keren-Shaul H., Paul F., Harmelin A., Eberl G., Itzkovitz S., Tanay A., Di Santo S. J. P., Elinav E. & Amit I. (2016). The Spectrum and Regulatory Landscape of Intestinal Innate Lymphoid Cells Are Shaped by the Microbiome.  Cell. 2016 Aug 25 , 166 (5):1231-1246.e13.
  9. Setty M., Tadmor M. D., Reich-Zeliger S., Angel O., Salame T. M., Kathail P., Choi K., Bendall S., Friedman N. & Pe'er D. (2016). Wishbone identifies bifurcating developmental trajectories from single-cell data.  Nature biotechnology. 2016 Jun 1 , 34 (6):637-645.
  10. Mancini M., Gaborit N., Lindzen M., Salame T. M., Dall'Ora M., Sevilla-Sharon M., Abdul-Hai A., Downward J. & Yarden Y. (2015). Combining three antibodies nullifies feedback-mediated resistance to erlotinib in lung cancer.  Science Signaling. 2015 Jun 2 , 8 (379).
  11. Gross M., Salame T. M. & Jung S. (2015). Guardians of the gut - murine intestinal macrophages and dendritic cells.  Frontiers in Immunology. 2015, 6 (JUN).
  12. Salame T. M., Knop D., Levinson D., Mabjeesh S. J., Yarden O. & Hadar Y. (2014). Inactivation of a Pleurotus ostreatus versatile peroxidase-encoding gene (mnp2) results in reduced lignin degradation.  Environmental Microbiology. 2014 Jan , 16 (1):265-277.
  13. Knop D., Ben-Ari J., Salame T. M., Levinson D., Yarden O. & Hadar Y. (2014). Mn2+-deficiency reveals a key role for the Pleurotus ostreatus versatile peroxidase (VP4) in oxidation of aromatic compounds.  Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2014 Aug , 98 (15):6795-6804.
  14. Salame T. M., Knop D., Levinson D., Yarden O. & Hadar Y. (2013). Redundancy among manganese peroxidases in Pleurotus ostreatus.  Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 2013 Apr , 79 (7):2405-2415.
  15. Salame T. M., Knop D., Levinson D., Mabjeesh S. J., Yarden O. & Hadar Y. (2012). Release of Pleurotus ostreatus Versatile-Peroxidase from Mn2+ Repression Enhances Anthropogenic and Natural Substrate Degradation.  PLoS ONE. 2012 Dec 21 , 7 (12).
  16. Salame T. M., Knop D., Tal D., Levinson D., Yarden O. & Hadar Y. (2012). Predominance of a versatile-peroxidase-encoding gene, mnp4, as demonstrated by gene replacement via a gene targeting system for Pleurotus ostreatus.  Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 2012 Aug , 78 (15):5341-5352.
  17. Salame T. M., Ziv C., Hadar Y. & Yarden O. (2011). RNAi as a potential tool for biotechnological applications in fungi.  Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2011 Feb , 89 (3):501-512.
  18. Bardea A., Burshtein N., Rudich Y., Salame T., Ziv C., Yarden O. & Naaman R. (2011). Sensitive detection and identification of DNA and RNA using a patterned capillary tube.  Analytical Chemistry. 2011 Dec 15 , 83 (24):9418-9423.
  19. Grinhut T., Salame T. M., Chen Y. & Hadar Y. (2011). Involvement of ligninolytic enzymes and Fenton-like reaction in humic acid degradation by Trametes sp..  Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2011 Aug , 91 (4):1131-1140.
  20. Salame T. M., Yarden O. & Hadar Y. (2010). Pleurotus ostreatus manganese-dependent peroxidase silencing impairs decolourization of Orange II.  Microbial Biotechnology. 2010 Jan , 3 (1):93-106.