Targeted Metabolomics Publications

  1. Avidan O., Brandis A., Rogachev I. & Pick U. (2015). Enhanced acetyl-CoA production is associated with increased triglyceride accumulation in the green alga Chlorella desiccata.  Journal of Experimental Botany. 2015 Jul 1 , 66 (13):3725-3735.
  2. Moldavski O., Amen T., Levin-Zaidman S., Eisenstein M., Rogachev I., Brandis A., Kaganovich D. & Schuldiner M. (2015). Lipid Droplets Are Essential for Efficient Clearance of Cytosolic Inclusion Bodies.  Developmental Cell. 2015 Jun 8 , 33 (5):603-610.
  3. Ben-Nun Y., Merquiol E., Brandis A., Turk B., Scherz A. & Blum G. (2015). Photodynamic Quenched Cathepsin Activity Based Probes for Cancer Detection and Macrophage Targeted Therapy.  Theranostics. 2015, 5 (8):847-862.
  4. Zelcbuch L., Antonovsky N., Bar-Even A., Levin Karp A., Barenholz U., Dayagi M., Liebermeister W., Flamholz A., Noor E., Amram S., Brandis A., Bareia T., Yofe I., Jubran H. & Milo R. (2013). Spanning high-dimensional expression space using ribosome-binding site combinatorics.  Nucleic Acids Research. 2013 May , 41 (9):e98.
  5. Marcovich A. L., Brandis A., Daphna O., Feine I., Pinkas I., Goldschmidt R., Kalchenko V., Berkutzki T., Wagner D. H., Salomon Y. & Scherz A. (2012). Stiffening of rabbit corneas by the bacteriochlorophyll derivative WST11 using near infrared light.  Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science. 2012 Sept , 53 (10):6378-6388.
  6. Cohen Ofri O. I., van Gastel G. M., Grzyb J., Brandis A., Pinkas I., Lubitz W. & Noy D. (2011). Zinc-bacteriochlorophyllide dimers in de novo designed four-helix bundle proteins. A model system for natural light energy harvesting and dissipation.  Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2011 Jun 22 , 133 (24):9526-9535.
  7. Goldshaid L., Rubinstein E., Brandis A., Segal D., Leshem N., Brenner O., Kalchenko V., Eren D., Yecheskel T., Salitra Y., Salomon Y. & Scherz A. (2010). Novel design principles enable specific targeting of imaging and therapeutic agents to necrotic domains in breast tumors.  Breast Cancer Research. 2010 May 24 , 12 (3).
  8. Glinert I. S., Geva E., Tempel-Brami C., Brandis A., Scherz A. & Salomon Y. (2008). Photodynamic ablation of a selected rat embryo: A model for the treatment of extrauterine pregnancy.  Human Reproduction. 2008 Jul , 23 (7):1491-1498.
  9. Yerushalmi R., Brandis A., Rosenbach-Belkin V., Baldridge K. & Scherz A. (2006). Modulation of fragmental charge transfer via hydrogen bonds. Direct measurement of electronic contributions.  Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2006 Jan 19 , 110 (2):412-421.
  10. Posen Y., Kalchenko V. (., Seger R., Brandis A., Scherz A. & Salomon Y. (2005). Manipulation of redox signaling in mammalian cells enabled by controlled photogeneration of reactive oxygen species.  Journal of Cell Science. 2005 May 1 , 118 (9):1957-1969.
  11. Filip-Granit N., Yerushalmi R., Brandis A., van der Boom M. E. & Scherz A. (2005). Uniform approach to bacteriochlorophyll-based monolayers on conducting, semiconducting, and insulating substrates.  Journal Of Physical Chemistry B. 2005 Apr 21 , 109 (15):6933-6935.
  12. Vakrat-Haglili Y., Weiner L., Brumfeld V., Brandis A., Salomon Y., McIlroy B., Wilson B., Pawlak A., Rozanowska M., Sarna T. & Scherz A. (2005). The microenvironment effect on the generation of reactive oxygen species by Pd-bacteriopheophorbide.  Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2005 May 4 , 127 (17):6487-6497.
  13. Mazor O., Brandis A., Plaks V., Neumark E., Rosenbach-Belkin V., Salomon Y. & Scherz A. (2005). WST11, A novel water-soluble bacteriochlorophyll derivative; cellular uptake, pharmacokinetics, biodistribution and vascular-targeted photodynamic activity using melanoma tumors as a model.  Photochemistry and Photobiology. 2005 Mar , 81 (2):342-351.
  14. Brandis A., Mazor O., Neumark E., Rosenbach-Belkin V., Salomon Y. & Scherz A. (2005). Novel water-soluble bacteriochlorophyll derivatives for vascular-targeted photodynamic therapy: Synthesis, solubility, phototoxicity and the effect of serum proteins.  Photochemistry and Photobiology. 2005, 81 (4):983-992.
  15. Plaks V., Posen Y., Mazor O., Brandis A., Scherz A. & Salomon Y. (2004). Homologous adaptation to oxidative stress induced by the photosensitized Pd-bacteriochlorophyll derivative (WST11) in cultured endothelial cells.  Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2004 Oct 29 , 279 (44):45713-45720.
  16. Koudinova N., Pinthus J., Brandis A., Brenner O., Bendel P., Ramon J., Eshhar Z., Scherz A. & Salomon Y. (2003). Photodynamic therapy with Pd-Bacteriopheophorbide (TOOKAD): Successful in vivo treatment of human prostatic small cell carcinoma xenografts.  International Journal of Cancer. 2003 May 10 , 104 (6):782-789.
  17. Ashur I., Brandis A., Greenwald M., Vakrat-Haglili Y., Rosenbach-Belkin V., Scheer H. & Scherz A. (2003). Control of redox transitions and oxygen species binding in Mn centers by biologically significant ligands; model studies with [Mn]-bacteriochlorophyll a.  Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2003 Jul 23 , 125 (29):8852-8861.
  18. Schreiber S., Gross S., Brandis A., Harmelin A., Rosenbach-Belkin V., Scherz A. & Salomon Y. (2002). Local photodynamic therapy (PDT) of rat C6 glioma xenografts with Pd-bacteriopheophorbide leads to decreased metastases and increase of animal cure compared with surgery.  International Journal of Cancer. 2002 May 10 , 99 (2):279-285.
  19. Gross S., Brandis A., Chen L., Rosenbach-Belkin V., Roehrs S., Scherz A. & Salomon Y. (1997). Protein-A-mediated Targeting of Bacteriochlorophyll-IgG to Staphylococcus aureus: A Model for Enhanced Site-Specific Photocytotoxicity.  Photochemistry and Photobiology. 1997 Dec , 66 (6):872-878.