Complaint Submission Form to the Ombudsperson

* The Student Ombudperson’s will investigate complaints related to academic, or administrative personal matters concerning candidates, students and postdoctoral fellows, which are claimed not to have been properly addressed by the parties involved but does not function as an appellate body for decisions made by authorized entities at the Institute
A. Complainant’s details (mandatory fields)
The complainant may request for his/her details to be kept confidential, and the complaint will be investigated anonymously (see below). In such a case, the complainant’s details will be used for the purpose of communication of the ombudsperson with the complainant.
The Ombud will not investigate a complaint unless all complainant details are provided in Section A. If the complainant requests that the complaint will be investigated without revealing their identity, this will be carried out in accordance with the provisions outlined in Section 20 of the relevant procedure. We would like to emphasize that opting for an anonymous inquiry may restrict the investigative process and the pursuit of truth. We kindly request complainants to carefully consider their request in this regard.
B. Complaint details
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